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Handshake | From The Desk Of Jeff Mitchell

[1]A few days ago at the end of a very brief – appropriately socially-distant meeting – I found myself reflexively shaking hands.

The moment our hands touched we detached and both said: “wait, maybe we’re not supposed to do that.”

My accidental handshake caused me to wonder about the origin of the handshake.

As everyone emerges for the COVID-19 seclusion, waves on ZOOM may soon be placed in-person potential handshake opportunities, because the handshake is an essential part of every business meeting.

Mahatma Gandhi taught generations that “you cannot shake hands with a closed fist.”

Several handshakes – like Elvis and Nixon – have become iconic.

But, why do we shake hands?

My trusted source for history (The History Channel [2]) had an answer.

Centuries ago, strangers would grasp arms up to the elbows to check for weapons – confirming that each party to the conversation was safe.

Eventually, the gesture became an act of good faith and agreement.

The Quakers expanded the use of the handshake in this new nation.

Now, this gesture must all be re-thought.

My plan?

Create a new reflex hand gesture.

Which one?

Here’s a hint: Live long and prosper!

Think about this today…
“I have been, and always shall be, your friend. Live long and prosper.”

– Commander Spock
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)